تفاصيل الملف الشخصي
Anamarie Dimapilis
Registered on 07/09/2024.الجنسية
عدد الاطفال
الحالة الاجتماعيّة
Anamarie Dimapilis
Actually, I worked in a company and in school for children like a homecare for almost 7 years, and I assisted many children every day. I worked in a Bangladesh rehabilitation center for children and a Bangladesh center for the elderly; they also have special needs; my duties were like feeding them food, bath care, oral care, med care, in short, assisting patients. I am a certified nursing assistant/caregiver. And yes, I can take care of pets, and I am available anytime.
الراتب الشهري المطلوب (بالريال السعودي):
قابل للتفاوض
الإنجليزية، العربية
الوظيفة المطلوبة
غير مقيمة
Anamarie Dimapilis can help with :
Recommendations that Anamarie Dimapilis can provide
لم تذكرها المربية