Diane Gasalao

Registered on 06/07/2024.
عدد الاطفال
الحالة الاجتماعيّة

Diane Gasalao

I worked with the Saudi family for 2 years, where I took care of 3 kids ages 4, 6, and 10 years old. Then, I worked with a Qatari family for 3 years, looking after 3 kids: a newborn baby, a year-old kid, and a 4-year-old kid. Since my first contract here in KSA, I have worked with Saudi and Turkish families. They have 3 boys, but I only took care of the two boys, ages 7 and 5 years old. There were two nannies that time; she took care of the youngest son. And the second Family I worked with is half Saudi and half Lebanese. I took care of two boys, ages 6 and 4 years old. I used to cook some Arabic food. I'm a college undergraduate in computer secretarial.

الراتب الشهري المطلوب (بالريال السعودي):
1500-2000 ريس
الوظيفة المطلوبة
العمل بالإقامة، العمل بدون إقامة

Diane Gasalao can help with :

  • رعاية الأطفال الرضع
  • تنظيف المنزل
  • الطهي

Recommendations that Diane Gasalao can provide

لم تذكرها المربية