Rubylyn Bautista

Registered on 13/06/2024.
عدد الاطفال
الحالة الاجتماعيّة

Rubylyn Bautista

I am working in 2021 in the Philippines as a maid for a year. My duties were every day to clean the house, do laundry, iron, feed the children, bathe them, put them to sleep, look after them, and treat them like a real family. My boss was an Egyptian-Filipino couple. Their children are three; their eldest is an 11-year-old boy. The second one is a 7-year-old boy. The third is a 3-year-old girl. I also worked as a maid for 6 months for a Filipino couple with two children. Their house is small and easy to clean; they are also kind, including their children, who are 5- and 6-year-old girls. I always take them to school every day and pick them up afterwards. I also worked as a maid in 2018 for 1 year for a lawyer and architect couple, and they also have two grown children.

الراتب الشهري المطلوب (بالريال السعودي):
قابل للتفاوض
الوظيفة المطلوبة
العمل بدون إقامة، بدوام جزئي

Rubylyn Bautista can help with :

  • رعاية الأطفال الرضع
  • تنظيف المنزل

Recommendations that Rubylyn Bautista can provide

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