Jho Masayon

Registered on 03/05/2024.
عدد الاطفال
الحالة الاجتماعيّة

Jho Masayon

I have experience in taking care of newborn babies, cooking, and cleaning. I worked as a nanny in Riyadh for 2 years and 4 months, they had 2 children, 1 year and 8 months old and 3 years old. And I worked as a housemaid for 2 years. I also worked in other countries. I worked in Hong Kong as a housemaid for 6 months. In Malaysia, I worked as a nanny for 2 years and 6 months, they had 3 children aged 3, 1, and a newborn. I clean the house when the children are playing or sleeping. I prepare their food and feed them. If I bring the kids to the playground, I bring them snacks and water. If the children are with their mother, I do house chores like ironing and cleaning the kitchen and the house. I am looking for a live-in work.

الراتب الشهري المطلوب (بالريال السعودي):
1500-2000 ريس
الوظيفة المطلوبة
يعيش في الداخلجزئي الوقت

Jho Masayon can help with :

  • رعاية الأطفال الرضع
  • تنظيف المنزل
  • الطهي
  • رعاية الحيوانات الأليفة

Recommendations that Jho Masayon can provide

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