Fridah Mbinzyo

Registered on 22/03/2024.
Number of kids
Marital status

Fridah Mbinzyo

In my understanding is that you are looking for someone who can be competent and on toes when it comes to cleanliness and most importantly, keen with kids and elderly people around your home.I have not only performed those duties with knowledge and experience very adequately but also I am a great caregiver, problem solver, great leading and working with a team and often as lead or individually bringing in projects under budget and often ahead of schedule. I am always aware of deadlines and budget but process as well. I am always thinking of ways to improve as well as foster strong relationships with other departments in accomplishing our objective. I am expecially good, humble and smiley. Some of my accomplishments include the ability to keep time, the ability to make amazing arabic foods and tea, traveling and also having fun while doing it. I love the work and being a part of your beautiful family, your growth and your accomplishments. This is the value that I would bring to you and your family.

Desired monthly salary (SAR) :
More than 2200 SAR
English,Arabic , Swahili
Desired job
Live-in, Live-out, Part time

Fridah Mbinzyo can help with :

  • Babycare
  • Housecleaning
  • Cooking
  • Driving
  • Petcare

Recommendations that Fridah Mbinzyo can provide

Not mentioned by the nanny